
2023-11-16 阅读数 344990


All Women Are Sisters

Hunan Women’s Federation Extending an Invitation to African Women




The Women’s Federation (WF) is a mass organization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC). It serves as a bridge connecting the Party and women advocating rights and interests of women, and the go-to agency for women in need of help. With organizations at national, provincial, municipal, county, township, and village levels, WF has formed an extensive network that reaches women at primary level across China.


 In recent years, the WF of Hunan Province (or Hunan WF), guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the strong leadership of the Hunan Provincial Government and Provincial CPC Committee, has tackled issues high on the local development agenda and critical for the well-being of women, to its utmost capacity. It has mobilized 510,000 members from the provincial and under-provincial WF organizations to drive innovation and synergy in promoting comprehensive development of urban and rural women. The life expectancy of women has increased from 35 years in the early 1950s to 78.2 years. The years of women’s education have increased to an average of 10.67 years, and girl students in higher education institutions accounted for 53.53% of the total. Women have become more visible in China’s policymaking. Woman delegates accounted for 28.7% at the 12th Provincial CPC Congress, 31.52% at the 14th National People’s Congress, and 30.46% at the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).  



Improving Access to Health


For eight consecutive years, Hunan WF has spearheaded a key well-being project of the provincial government—free screening for cervical cancer and breast cancer— which has tested 8 million eligible women, earmarked 299 million yuan and helped 29,000 impoverished women with diagnosed illnesses. Collaborating with 19 prestigious medical institutions like Xiangya Hospital, Hunan WF has set up Hunan Women’s Health Medical Alliance to provide easier access to woman patients. To boost women’s health and fitness, it has host Hunan Women’s Games for Health. The event featuring jogging and running, dragon boat races, fun sports games, badminton contests, and square-dancing competitions, has attracted hundreds of thousands of participants.

For eight years in a row, Hunan WF has spearheaded a key well-being project of the provincial government: free screening for cervical cancer and breast cancer, the two menaces to women’s health. The project has screened 8 million eligible women, earmarked 299 million yuan and treated 29,000 impoverished women with diagnosed illnesses. Collaborating with 19 prestigious medical institutions like Xiangya Hospital(the best hospital in Hunan), Hunan WF has set up Hunan Women’s Health Medical Alliance to provide a “green channel” to woman patients, who can enjoy more convenient appointment and streamlined reimbursement procedures. To boost women’s health and fitness, it has host Hunan Women’s Games for Health. The event featuring jogging and running, dragon boat races, fun sports games, badminton and square-dancing competitions has attracted hundreds of thousands of participants.


Enhancing Capacities


Hunan WF has established Hunan Association of Women in Science and Technology, a platform to provide services for women in the field to fully unleash their potential. The provincial WF also has been helping SMEs and supporting Women Entrepreneurs Association. 


Hunan WF has launched a woman-oriented rural revitalization campaign and “Hunan Women @ Home” to provide vocational skills trainings. Joining hands with other government agencies, every year it reskills over 100,000 women in domestic services, e-commerce, livestreaming, cottage industry, and farming. It has set up Hunan New Farmers Alliance for Women and built 100-plus demonstration bases at or above the provincial level, showcasing fruitful results of women in agriculture and agricultural technology. 


Hunan WF has held a competition for women innovators and entrepreneurs to incentivize woman entrepreneurship and increase income streams of women. “Sisters, Take Actions”, a livestreaming sales event, has generated sales of produces and household appliances worth over 90 million yuan, an example of the organization’s efforts to alleviate poverty through consumption.


Elevating Women’s Leadership in Primary-level Governance


By leveraging digital platforms and technologies, Hunan WF has established an online project to engage women in social governance and community services.  The program uses concrete metrics for behavioral analysis and helps improve the digital literacy of grassroots women and better equips them for rural revitalization and community-level governance. To date the project has attracted 730,000-plus registered users. In 600-plus villages and communities throughout Hunan, it has run pilots and sponsored 10,000-plus online and offline events. Its women participants and organizers have exemplified the role of women and their contributions in building a modern and prosperous Hunan.


Making Milestones in Children and Women Welfare 

省妇联于2009年成立了湖南省妇女儿童发展基金会,倡导“要美丽,做公益”理念,践行“公益护花”使命,努力做到让妇女更健康、让儿童更快乐。14年来,累计接受捐赠4.83亿元(人民币),实施公益项目130个,成立专项基金33个,惠及妇女儿童超1400万人次。打造了“出手吧姐姐——关爱困境妇女儿童”公益项目、“湖南省农村留守儿童心理健康辅导中心(简称知心屋)”、“关爱雏鹰 呵护健康”儿童保健科普项目等一系列关爱妇女儿童的公益品牌。

In 2009, Hunan WF set up Hunan Development Foundation for Women and Children to advocate philanthropy and protect the health of women and the happiness of children. Over the past 14 years, the foundation has received donations totaling 483 million yuan and implemented 130 public welfare projects. It has also established 33 special funds, benefiting more than 14 million women and children. Many initiatives, such as “Sisters, Take Action” a project helping improvised women and children, “Caring House” a project focusing on the mental wellbeing of rural left-behind children and “Eaglets” a project popularizing children health, among others, have become well-known brands of women and children welfare.


Hunan-Africa Cooperation Forges Future


In response to the speech delivered by President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the 8th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, on June 29th, the national WF and the People’s Government of Hunan jointly hosted the China-Africa Women’s Forum, which was organized by Hunan WF. From June 29th to July 2nd, the Exhibition of China-Africa Women’s Innovations and Entrepreneurship Achievements was held.

中国经验 照亮未来 

Chinese Practices Lights up a Path Ahead


Looking back at history, women have been essential participants, contributors, and beneficiaries of China-Africa development. In 2021, China won the battle against poverty, lifting 100 million people in rural areas out of poverty, for whom women accounted for 50%. Thanks to poverty alleviation and women-centered rural revitalization campaigns, many Chinese women, through educating, reskilling and employment projects, have overcome poverty and walked towards a better life. The tremendous achievements of Chinese women in poverty alleviation have showcased the best practices of China, providing a reference for African women’s poverty reduction.

非洲实践 守望相助

African Practices Highlights Solidarity


The success in eradicating poverty is China’s answer to poverty elimination governance, a great contribution to global poverty reduction efforts. Organizations like China Women’s Development Foundation have reached out to African women and children, offering assistance of small value and meal programs for children. Meanwhile, China has helped with African countries’ capacity-building, especially poverty reduction capabilities. China-Africa cooperation on poverty reduction has inspired motivation of African women, who have worked hard to learn skills and change their own destinies.  

中非合作 再启新程

China-Africa Cooperation Embarks on a New Journey


The friendship between Chinese and African women testifies to the history of joint development. China-Africa Women’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Achievement Exhibition, debuted at the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, showcases the fruitful results of exchanges between Chinese and African women from multiple dimensions. From scientific research and innovation to medical assistance, from economic and trade exchanges to joint poverty reduction, from cultural exchanges to integration of lives, Chinese and African women have crossed oceans to meet each other, learn from each other, and explore new frontiers on the vast land of China and Africa, instilling lasting impetus into economic and trade exchanges. Standing at a new starting point, Chinese and African women, through cooperation and collaboration, is bound to make new and greater contributions to a closer China-Africa community with a shared future.



摄制:邓魏 李超 李曼倩



